Beachfront Construction Permit - 12871 Jolly Roger Dr, Freeport, Abstract 29 S.F. Austin, Section 3, Block 3, Lot 10, Treasure Island (Precinct 1)
The General Land Office (GLO) has reviewed the application materials for a beachfront construction certificate and dune protection permit for the above-referenced location. The applicant constructed an erosion response structure/structural shore protection project (Structure) without authorization from Brazoria County, for which GLO issued a Notice of Noncompliance and Notice of Violation, and Brazoria County (County) pursued enforcement action. The applicant is requesting retroactive authorization for the unauthorized Structure, which is approximately 200 feet in length and constructed of large rocks along the Jolly Roger right-of-way and on or adjacent to the public beach. According to the Bureau of Economic Geology, the area is stable.
Based on the information provided the following recommendations are made:
? The sponsor of the shore protection project must be responsible for the ongoing maintenance of the project and, if necessary, beach nourishment and/or the removal of the project.1 The applicant is required to nourish the beach in front of the Structure to maintain the pre-project beach width, per the Agreed Order with the GLO signed by the applicant on May 29, 2024.
o The applicant has signed an Interlocal Agreement with the County allowing the applicant to use dredged material from the San Luis Pass County Park access channel for beach nourishment in front of the Structure pursuant to the Corps of Engineer Permit held by the County. The Interlocal Agreement must be signed by the County to be effective.
o Per the applicant's Monitoring Plan, subsequent renourishment events are required once the surveyed beach width is 50% of the constructed beach nourishment template or less.
The applicant is required to obtain a s...
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