Right of Way for CR 400 Realignment - Parcel 011 (Precinct 4)
That the matter concerning payment to the following property owner be approved and entered into by the Court for the payment for Right of Way in association with the CR 400 Realignment Project between CR 912 and 2.0 miles southeast of CR 849, for a settlement amount of $4,459.00 and the related closing cost from Fund/Account No. 591150-20500-75000.
Richard Allen Rogers and Gail M Rogers
Parcel 011 - BCAD Account # 0020-1202-000
Appraised value of partial taking/Total Settlement Amount: $ 4,459.00
Whereas, the Total Settlement Amount does not include closing cost. The actual closing cost shall be based upon the actual closing date. The Court authorizes the payment of closing cost.
Whereas, funds for this expenditure are available via the 2025 Road & Bridge Budget.
Further, that a certified copy of this order be furnished to the County Engineer for distribution to all parties involved and the Judge be authorized to sign all documents necessary to complete this purchase.