Beachfront Construction Certificate and Dune Protection Permit in Brazoria County - Right-of-Way Seaward of Bluewater Highway (CR 257), Freeport (Precinct 1)
The Brazoria County Flood Plain recommends that permission be granted for the dune restoration project for Follets Island. The applicant also proposes to restore approximately 5,200 linear feet of dunes east of Public Beach Access Road 5 to west of Palm Street by using hay bales, beach quality sand, and dune vegetation. According to the Bureau of Economic Geology, the area is eroding at a rate of six to eight feet per year.
Based on the information provided the following recommendations are made:
1. Any sand, soil, sediment, or dredged spoil deposited within critical dune areas or seaward of the local dune protection line must be of an acceptable mineralogy or grain size as compared to the sediments found onsite.
2. Any beach sand excavated during placement activities must remain on site and should be placed seaward of the bales.
3. Sand obtained by scraping or grading dunes or the beach may not be used to restore dunes or be placed on top of the hay bales.
4. Any material used to secure the hay bales should be organic and biodegradable.
5. The dunes must be restored to be continuous with any surrounding naturally formed dunes and to approximate the natural position contour, volume, elevation, vegetative cover, and sediment content of any naturally formed dunes in the restoration area.
6. Only indigenous dune vegetation that will help achieve the same protective capability or greater capability as the vegetation on surrounding natural dunes may be used to restore dunes. Any dune vegetation excavated or displaced during hay bale placement activities should be stockpiled and replanted on top of the restored dunes.
7. The project may not restrict or interfere with public use of the beach at normal high tide.
8. Property owner permission should be obtained where applicable.
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