Beachfront Construction Permit - 206 San Luis Blvd, Treasure Island, Freeport, Abstract 29 S.F. Austin Blk 3 Lt 22, (Precinct 1)
The Brazoria County Flood Plain recommends that permission be granted for the beachfront construction certificate and dune protection of a single-family residence with fibercrete paving beneath the habitable structure, a crushed concrete driveway, and a septic system. The proposed construction is located within 200 feet landward of the line of vegetation. According to the Bureau of Economic Geology, the area is eroding at a rate of eight to nine feet per year.
Based on the information provided the following recommendations are made:
1. It is unclear if paving is proposed beneath the uncovered deck and stairs. Paving areas beneath uncovered decks and stairs is prohibited. In the area 25 feet landward of the north toe of the dunes to 200 feet landward of the line of vegetation, paving used under the habitable structure and for a driveway connecting the habitable structure and the street is limited to the use of unreinforced fibercrete in 4-foot by 4-foot sections, 4-inches thick, separated by expansion joints, or pervious materials.
2. The applicant proposes to construct the habitable structure seaward of the Building Setback Line, which is prohibited without an exemption from Brazoria County.
3. To qualify for an exemption, the applicant must demonstrate to the satisfaction of the County that no practicable alternatives to construction seaward of the Building Setback Line exist.
Any deviations from what is proposed in this permit application requires a new or amended beachfront construction certificate and dune protection permit and further GLO review.
Further, that a certified copy of this order be returned to the Flood Plain Administrator.